This October 31 I urge all of you to remember the true meaning Halloween. Too often we get caught up in the commercialization of the holiday and forget the reason we celebrate it in the first place—to acknowledge the change into the half of the year with shorter days and also the border between our world and the realm of the dead becoming blurred this time of year.
Though Samhain was hijacked long ago and we will probably never be rid new name that evolved from the forced association with Christianity, that doesn't mean we have to sit back and watch it continually be stepped on and secularized.
Have we all forgotten the Pagan roots of this celebration?
Traditional scary costumes are being replaced with Obama masks and Spider-man suits. Last year, the most popular kids costume was a princess. A princess??? How is dressing in a pink gown supposed to trick the evil spirits into thinking you are one of them so they don't hurt you while you're trying to kick it with your dead relatives? (I am, however, pleased to see that this year promises a much more practical Michael Jackson costume.)
Retailers have all but stopped selling festive turnips in favor of the more secular pumpkin in an attempt take the Paganism out of Halloween.
This year, let's not forget about the dead people floating around us as we celebrate this sacred holiday.
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